

Gule løv fell som fjær
Hunden min er ein ballettkenguru

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Two flying poems

View from an Airplane

The cotton clouds,
I want to lie in them.
The clouds like fields of flowers,
I want to run in them.

But I know I can’t,
They have no substance,
I would fall clean through,
And I would fall into the ocean.

March 23, 2010

The Day the Plane Fell out of the Sky

One day the plane fell out of the sky
Flat fell out of the sky
I was going from point A to point B
And at point A and a half
The plane fell out of the sky
Its strings were cut

The clouds were thick and white that day
We had a soft landing, thankfully
We all slid down the emergency slides
Walked around this strange new land
Land that was fluffy and soft
We played in it, slept in it

One woman walked by herself
Found a place with a clear sky
Fell down
We all heard her scream

We had great fun in cloud country
But as we raided our fallen plane we found
That we did not have enough food for all
And the pilot fireed up the engines

We all had to push the plane
Push to a hole in the cloud cover
Then run to get in, a real mad dash
So we’d make it before the fall –

March 28, 2010

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Dikt – Ã… vera likt

Eg liker å vera likt
Det er heady stuff, slikt
At nokon vil vera ven utan plikt
Det får meg til å skriva dikt

4. februar 2010

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Dikt: Havet

Eg elskar deg, havet.
Korleis lever eg utan
deg, i ørkenen?
Utan bølgesus,
lukta av salt?
Eg må bu nær deg,
havet, eg vil bu på eit
skjær i skjærgarden.
Då vil eg vera nær
deg, med bølge-
sus, sjøsprøyt,
og lukta av salt?

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Nok eit dikt: Eg var

Eg var

I oldtidas Egypt var eg oppdagar,
Eg fann kjeldene til Nilen.

I vikingtida var eg ein viking og kona hans,
Eg var tøff, eg var stri.

I Europas mellomalder var eg ein riddar,
Eg hadde hest, skjold og sverd.

I barokken var eg ei fin frue i kjole,
Eg spelte cembalo og hadde parykk.

I krigens dagar var eg motstandshelt,
Eg ofra liv og lemmar for landet.

i dag er eg student
nett som alle dei andre

10.-12. juli 2009

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